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Shark cartilage is an excellent source of a wide range of minerals including calcium, chondroitin sulphate, glucosamine, iron, manganese, magnesium, phosphorous, potassium, silica and zinc. 

Another major constituent of shark cartilage is the collagen protein, gelatin, which may offer health benefits for skin, bone and body tissue repair. 

All raw shark cartilage purchased by South Australian Shark Cartilage is sourced from existing commercial shark fishing, which is harvested primarily for human consumption (flake or shark).


Sharks are not targeted for the production of shark cartilage products. It is collected as a natural by-product of sharks harvested for food. Before the benefits of shark cartilage were widely known the cartilage was largely disposed of as a waste product.

South Australian Shark Cartilage may help:
* Provide temporary relief of mild osteoarthritic pain of shark cartilage were widely known the cartilage was largely disposed of as a waste product.
* Increase joint mobility associated with mild osteoarthritis

Australian Shark Cartilage  Each capsule contains 500mg Australian Shark Cartilage

South Australian Shark Cartilage Shark Cartilage 500mg 100c

RRP $39.95 $36.27

The active ingredients within 100 per cent natural South Australian Shark Cartilage powder may be beneficial for the repair and maintenance of joints.