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Bach made it very clear and, indeed, stated emphatically that the flower remedies were not homoeopathic preparations. 

Therefore Ainsworths essences are preserved only in brandy, at a 1:240 dilution of flower essence, closely following his original instructions. 

Consequently  they contain 417 times more flower essence than those made by 5x homoeopathic dilution.

Original Dr. Bach Method Flower Essence Vervain 10ml

RRP $24.95 $21.99

The Vervain person has fixed principles and ideas that cannot be changed, because they are confident they are correct, never considering an alternative. 

They feel compelled to convert people to their way of thinking and, consequently, overwork themselves to the point of exhaustion. 

This remedy may help them to wind down, to rest and relax in order to accept new ideas and viewpoints.